Discovering Ontario – Winter Fun

~ Ontario in Motion ~

Winter Fun in Ontario!

Winter Fun in Ontario transforms the province into a magical wonderland, inviting all to partake in an array of exhilarating winter sports and activities. Blanketed in a pristine layer of snow, the landscape becomes a canvas for winter fun. Downhill enthusiasts flock to renowned ski resorts like Blue Mountain, where the thrill of carving through powdery slopes is unmatched. Snowboarders embrace the challenge of diverse terrains, while cross-country skiers find solace in the serene trails that wind through snow-covered forests.

Frozen lakes transform into enchanting ice rinks, inviting families and friends to glide across the glistening surfaces, laughter echoing in the crisp air. Snowmobilers rev their engines, embarking on adventures through picturesque snow-laden trails. Ontario’s winter sports scene caters to every skill level, ensuring that both seasoned athletes and beginners can find their snowy calling.

Amidst the flurry of activities, cozy chalets provide a warm retreat, offering a place to unwind and share stories of the day’s adventures. Winter festivals and events add a festive touch, featuring everything from dazzling ice sculptures to spirited apres-ski gatherings.

In Ontario, winter isn’t just a season—it’s a celebration of frosty delights, where the thrill of the outdoors meets the warmth of community, creating memories that sparkle as bright as the snow beneath the winter sun.

The Nomad, having winter fun as a "Snow Angel"!

Our DISCOVER ONTARIO ~ Catching the Action video series takes visitors along with us, as we learn more about Ontario communities and the events we experience.

Have fun and hopefully we will see you along the “Ontario Road of Discovery”!

This Catching the Action video series features the Winter Fun! Enjoy the fresh air this winter!

Discover Ontario Visited

Ontario Visited is Ontario’s premier information hub, promoting Ontario’s tourism and communities since 2007. With our websites and apps, we invite you to explore the captivating beauty, culture, and events that define this incredible province. Join us in celebrating all that Ontario has to offer!

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It’s time to experience and enjoy Winter in Ontario!

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Catching winter fun poster
