Santa Claus Parades

by Gary McWilliams (aka Festival Nomad ~ aka Winterman)

~ A Moment in Time ~

Who doesn’t love Santa Claus parades?

Santa Claus Parades, I suppose that there a lot of people who don’t, but I’m not one of them!

Cobourg holds one of the many community Santa Claus Parades

As a result, we’ve been to quite a few Santa Claus Parades.

Santa Claus Parades at night

I’ve been to both daytime parades…Dressing up is part of the fun of being un Santa Claus Parades

… and night time Parades.

Even stuffed animals like to show off!

And, to large and small parades.

Bright lights at night light up the floats

I can’t say that I have a preference, one over that other.

kids love to get involved

Each has its own charm!

Music make the parades more fun

For example, large parades, such as the Toronto Santa Claus Parade, has lots of bands and floats.

More music

The only problem is that they attract so many people.

Riding on a float

As a result, it’s hard to get a good view, especially for the children!

Horses play a big part in many Santa Claus Parades

Smaller events, such as the Cobourg or Port Hope Santa Claus Parades, are easier to watch, but don’t have as many bands or floats.

Bring on the clowns

I guess it’s a compromise.

More fun floats

Night Santa Claus parades are also a lot of fun! We’ve been to a couple, Ajax and Collingwood.

The mellow sounds of a marching band

The night lighting can be spectacular.

The drummers keep everyone in step

Whichever type of Parade you enjoy, being prepared is always a good idea!

Santa's on his way!

The weather during Santa Claus Parades can be very unpredictable!

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas

So, here are a few tips.

He's checking his list!

Bring extra clothing, a warm blanket and a comfortable folding chair.

Have you been naughty or nice?

Get there early enough to find a good spot.

Santa Claus Parades make the seasons more jolly

And, finally, leave some room up front for the little kids. Afterall, Santa is their man!

Thanks Santa, see you soon!

Oh, and BE GOOD! Remember, Santa DOES have his “naughty or nice” list!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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It’s time to experience and enjoy all the Santa Claus Parades in your area!

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