This story is a fun fictious account of a family's activities during the start of the spring farming season in Ontario.
Could it really have happened?

Spring Farming in Ontario

~ A Farmer’s Story? ~

Farmer Willie was convinced that spring had a personal vendetta against him. Every year, he spent the quiet of winter daydreaming about warm weather and bountiful harvests, only to find that the season’s arrival triggered a swarm of never-ending chores that required all ten of his fingers and at least two of his toes. It was as if the month of March woke up, stretched, and said, “Hey Willie, I’m here, time to make you busier than a one-legged man in a hopscotch tournament.” Spring Farming in Ontario is about to start!

Spring Farming in Ontario

On a sunny morning in late April, Willie ambled out of his farmhouse at precisely 6:05 a.m. with a half-eaten piece of toast in hand. The rest of his family trailed behind, trying to finish breakfast and put on boots at the same time. There was Becky, Willie’s wife, whom he still occasionally called “my spring chicken,” much to her amusement or annoyance, depending on the day. Then there were their three children, named in sequential order of convenience: Jenny, Ally, and Slim (the latter’s real name was Jeffrey, but he’d insisted on “Slim” after reading a Western novel last summer). (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Winter Barnyard

They all gathered around Willie’s pride and joy: his tractor. It was a trusty old hulk of green metal and chugging energy that had seen better days back in the 1980s. Every spring, Farmer Willie and Becky gave that tractor a once-over that usually ended in them tightening bolts, changing fluids, and patching whatever made the most suspicious noises. This year, however, was special. Willie had purchased a brand-new (well, new-to-him) fertilizer attachment that was rumored to operate like a dream, or so the very persuasive salesman had said. (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Spring Farming in Ontario - Old tractor in snow

Maybe this year, the attach-o-matic doohickey will save us a heap of trouble,” Willie announced hopefully as he tapped the side of the fertilizer rig. He nodded sagely, then climbed onto the tractor to start the engine. The tractor sputtered a greeting, coughed twice, and roared to life. “Hear that? Smooth as a gravy train!” Willie declared. He would regret those words within the hour. (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Fertilizing wagon

While Willie busied himself with the tractor, Becky corralled the kids. Jenny was tasked with guiding the small plow behind the barn to ready the ground for their rows of vegetables. Ally dragged out bags of seeds for corn, soybeans, and a new experimental pepper plant Willie had decided to try this year, proclaiming it “the next big thing” after reading an article from the local gardening club. Slim, on the other hand, had discovered that trying to text on his phone while cleaning out the chicken coop was not an especially pleasant sensory experience, and had quickly learned to keep his phone in his pocket. (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Spring Farming in Ontario - Chickens

After a few hours, the family reconvened in the main field to watch Willie’s maiden voyage with the fertilizer attachment. Perched high on the tractor seat, Willie boasted: “I can practically smell the profits already.” Becky rolled her eyes. “That’s the fertilizer, dear.” (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Fertilizing wagon and tractor

Revving the engine, Willie rolled forward, engaging the fertilizer spreader. At first, everything seemed to be going smoothly. The spreader whirred in perfect rhythm, dusting the soil with a fine mist of nutrients. Willie waved at Becky and the kids with a grin plastered across his face. He even gave a celebratory toot on the tractor horn. However, the tractor horn, which had always been a little temperamental, decided to jam, unleashing a long, droning blare that startled half the neighborhood.

Spring Farming in Ontario - Fertilizing in progress

Suddenly, the brand-new fertilizer attachment started clicking ominously. Before anyone could stop it, the attachment glitched and began launching fertilizer everywhere, up, down, left, right. It became a fertilizer fountain, spewing brownish particles as if celebrating its new home on the farm with a grand finale. Willie tried to halt the machine, but the lever stuck. By the time he managed to shut the tractor off, there were globs of fertilizer hanging from the scarecrow’s hat, coating the family’s boots, and splattered generously on the barn door. Becky was picking pieces out of her hair and glaring at Willie. Jenny, Ally, and Slim were doubled over laughing at the expression on their father’s face. (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Barnyard and cows in field

Maybe the attach-o-matic doohickey needs a little… adjustment,” Willie managed, swallowing what little pride he had left after his surprise fertilizer shower.

Becky made no comment; she simply directed the children to help hose everything (and everyone) off before moving to the next chore. After a brisk wash, the entire family, still smelling vaguely of manure, trudged over to the vegetable plot. The plan for the day was to plant rows of crops, starting with sweet corn. Jenny carefully spaced the seeds, while Ally covered them with soil, and Slim, still sporting a few stray fertilizer flecks, sprinkled water over the rows. (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Spring Farming in Ontario - Spring Garden

Willie, meanwhile, tried to keep a cheerful commentary going, mainly for his own morale. “Corn’s gonna be sweet as pie! Just you wait, next month we’ll be knee-high on the First of July, wait, that’s not how that saying goes… (Spring Farming in Ontario)

They continued with soybeans, sunflowers for Becky’s “pretty patch,” and then Willie’s pet project: the new pepper variety. A few rogue seeds spilled from the bag, and Willie shrugged, deciding to plant them anyway. “More peppers, more profit,” he declared. Becky reminded him that no one in their household actually liked overly spicy foods. Willie’s eyes glimmered. “Then I’ll sell ’em, somebody must like a little fire in their bellies! (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Turkey in Corn Field

By late afternoon, the to-do list looked less like a phone directory and more like a small notecard. The family’s energy was flagging, but they still had to check on the machinery in the barn. Ally discovered the combine had lost a belt. Slim found out the hay baler needed new twine. Jenny was elbow-deep in the tractor’s toolbox, rummaging for the right-sized wrench to fix the offending fertilizer rig. Willie and Becky supervised, occasionally lending a hand while mostly offering comedic backseat suggestions. (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Beautiful farm vegetable garden

When they finally called it a day and trudged back to the farmhouse, the sun was dipping low in the sky. Every muscle in Willie’s body (plus some he’d forgotten he had) ached from spring’s demands, but he couldn’t help feeling a sense of accomplishment. The seeds were sown, the machinery was half-maintained (which was good enough for him), and although the brand-new fertilizer contraption had tried to turn the fields into an amusement park fountain, everything was more or less under control, farm style. (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Farm yard scene

Over dinner, the family recounted their day’s adventures with dramatic flair. Becky threatened to hang the fertilizer spreader from the old oak tree like a piñata if it misbehaved again, which sent the kids into howls of laughter. Willie insisted it was user error, though he admitted privately that maybe the old machine just had a mind of its own. Slim teased Jenny about the seed-sowing method, trying to prove he had dropped more seeds in the correct row than her bother. Meanwhile, Ally was only half-listening, exhausted from wrestling the plow all day. (Spring Farming in Ontario)

Spring Farming in Ontario - Old Tractor with wagon

As the meal wound down, Willie leaned back in his chair. His back popped in a few places, and he let out a slow sigh. “Well, family, for all the weirdness, this is still the life we signed up for. Springtime on the farm is messy, chaotic, and at least in our case, occasionally explosive. But it’s ours.

Becky smiled in agreement, and the kids nodded. For all the squabbles and unexpected fertilizer showers, they wouldn’t trade the farm’s joys, and challenges, for anything. After all, nothing said “family bonding” like picking manure out of each other’s hair while planning for the next bountiful harvest. Come summer, they’d be reaping the rewards of all their sweat, tears, and comedic mishaps. And if something else decided to break or scatter, well, they’d handle that too, there was always next spring to look forward to, right?



Ontario Crops (some of which were planted by Willie and his family!)

Ontario, Canada has a diverse agricultural sector thanks to its varying climates and fertile regions. Below is a broad overview of some common crops planted and harvested across the province, broken down by category.

  1. Field Crops (Grains & Oilseeds)

  1. Corn:
    • Grain Corn: Used for livestock feed, ethanol production, and processed food products.
    • Sweet Corn: Grown for direct human consumption, often sold fresh or processed.
  2. Soybeans:
    • A major oilseed crop in Ontario. Grown for protein (livestock feed), food-grade soy products (like tofu), and oil.
  3. Wheat:
    • Winter Wheat: Planted in the fall and harvested in early summer.
    • Spring Wheat: Planted in spring and harvested later in the summer.
    • Used for flour, feed, and other products.
  4. Barley:
    • Used primarily for livestock feed and in malt production (brewing).
  5. Oats:
    • Grown for animal feed, as well as for oatmeal, breakfast cereals, and other human food products.
  6. Canola:
    • An oilseed crop grown in certain regions of Ontario for canola oil and meal (used in livestock feed).

Spring Farming in Ontario - Field Crops (Wheat)

  1. Forages (Hay & Pasture)

  1. Hay Crops (Mixed Grass Hay, Timothy, etc.):
    • Harvested for feeding livestock, particularly important for dairy and beef farms.
  2. Alfalfa & Clover:
    • High-protein forage crops used in hay or silage for dairy and beef cattle.
  3. Pasture:
    • Although not a “harvested” crop in the traditional sense, pasture land is crucial for grazing livestock.

Forages (Hay)

  1. Fruits & Berries

  1. Apples:
    • Grown widely throughout southern Ontario; popular varieties include McIntosh, Gala, Empire, and Honeycrisp.
  2. Peaches, Nectarines & Apricots:
    • Cultivated mainly in the Niagara Peninsula and along the north shore of Lake Erie.
  3. Pears & Plums:
    • Also concentrated in the Niagara region.
  4. Grapes:
    • Ontario is a prominent wine-producing province, especially in the Niagara Peninsula, Prince Edward County, and Lake Erie North Shore.
  5. Cherries:
    • Sweet and sour cherries primarily in the Niagara area and southwestern Ontario.
  6. Berries:
    • Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries (including highbush blueberries) grow in various parts of Ontario.
    • Cranberries grown in the Muskoka region and other areas suitable for bog-like conditions.

Spring Farming in Ontario - Fruits and Berries (Apples)

  1. Vegetables

  1. Root Vegetables:
    • Carrots, Onions, Potatoes, Beets, Turnips grown in many regions with suitable soil.
  2. Brassicas & Leafy Greens:
    • Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts grown throughout Ontario.
    • Lettuce, Spinach, Kale popular in both field and greenhouse production.
  3. Tomatoes & Peppers:
    • Ontario is known for both field-grown tomatoes (processing and fresh market) and peppers, particularly in southwestern regions.
  4. Cucumbers & Pumpkins:
    • Grown both for fresh market and processing (pickling cucumbers).
  5. Beans & Peas:
    • Green Beans (Snap Beans), Yellow Beans, Peas grown for the fresh market or for freezing/canning.
  6. Sweet Corn (Vegetable Corn):
    • Different from field corn; grown specifically for fresh consumption or processing (canned or frozen).

Vegetables (Carrots)

  1. Greenhouse & Specialty Crops

  1. Greenhouse Vegetables:
    • Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Lettuce grown in large greenhouse operations, especially in southwestern Ontario around Leamington.
  2. Mushrooms:
    • Ontario has a notable mushroom industry, with button, portobello, and specialty varieties grown indoors year-round.
  3. Herbs & Specialty Greens:
    • Grown in smaller greenhouse operations or on specialty farms, e.g., basil, cilantro, kale varieties.
  4. Flowers & Nursery Crops:
    • While not an edible crop, Ontario is a significant producer of ornamental plants, shrubs, and trees.

Spring Farming in Ontario - Greenhouse and Specialty Crops (Tomatoes)

  1. Other Notable Products

  1. Maple Syrup:
    • Tapped and produced in the early spring from sugar maple trees, notably in regions with cold winters and a suitable maple bush.
  2. Honey:
    • Beekeeping is common on farms that also grow pollinator-friendly crops (e.g., clover and alfalfa).

Other Notable Products (Honey)

History of Agricultural Fairs

By Guy Scott, OAAS Past President

Fairs are almost as old as recorded history. There were two types of ancient fairs: trade shows and festivals. From the biblical “Fairs of Tyre” to Sturbridge Fair in medieval England, fairs were used as market places and carnivals. In the 1700’s the British crossed the agricultural improvement society with the traditional trade fair/carnival and agricultural fairs were born.

These agricultural fairs were transplanted to the colonies by the earliest British settlers. The concept of fairs soon flourished in agrarian North America. In Canada, the first agricultural society was formed in 1765 in Nova Scotia. Ontario followed suit in 1792 with the Agricultural Society of Upper Canada based at Niagara on the Lake. From the Ontario strongholds, the concept of agricultural fairs spread west with the first settlers.

After a few false starts, the system of agricultural societies and their fairs spread all over Ontario in the 1800’s. They were organized by county and township and at one time numbered over 500 in Ontario alone. While agricultural societies used many methods (of varying success) to improve agriculture and the rural lifestyle, their most enduring and endearing legacy was the agricultural fair. Industrial exhibitions and festivals came and went, but the fairs just carried on. Fairs soon became an ingrained part of Ontario’s (and indeed Canada’s) culture. They still are, in our society.

Fairs have changed since their inception, but they still carry on their mandate of promoting agriculture and the rural lifestyle.

Want to see modern tradition meet the modern world? Attend a fair!

Ontario Visited Event News – Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies
